Monday, 22 September 2008

Me bad!!!

Oh my word!!!! It's been nearly a month since I last blogged! Where has the time gone!

Been busy but I'm not sure what I've been doing. Ever get that feeling. Weather hasn't been very good either so not much photography going on either.

This is the only plant with flowers in our garden LOL!!

Sunday, 24 August 2008

Getting Snappy!

Finally been able to get some photographs taken with my new camera!

Really pleased with this one, looks slightly professional apparently.

Grumpy cat! Jack getting fed up with me taking his photo. If the weather had been better I wouldn't have to resort to taking piccies of the puddy cat.

Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Gadget girl :)

She's back!!!

I caved and look what I bought

A fabby dslr, Nikon D60. Only had it since the weekend and it's pretty much rained since I bought it so haven't managed to play as much as I'd like but I love it!!!!

Now I just need figure out how to work the bloomin thing LOL

Saturday, 9 August 2008

Life is weird at times

It really has a way of kicking you in the teeth at times doesn't it :( Too long and detailed to go into just now. But lets just say that sometimes you have to stop doing things for other people to save your own sanity!

Since life has been a bit pants lately I'm thinking about cheering myself up with a little purchase. Been thinking about buying a digital slr for a long, long, long time and I've been comparing different cameras. I think I'm down to either a Nikon D60 or a Canon 450D, there is a slight different in price but I'm still not sure which one I prefer. Decision, decision, decisions.

Anyway I've been taking some nice shots from our back bedroom window recently - when the weather wasn't raining 24/7!!!!

Saturday, 26 July 2008

Talked too much!!!!

Just checked my word count for my last post - came up with a target of 300 but I overran at 350! Need to stop blethering so much!!

Playing catch up

Yup that's what I'm doing. Got to get up to date with Shimelle's My Freedom blog prompts, never mind the fact that I haven't done any of the layouts yet!?!?! But I will.

So firstly need to set myself a word count - hmmm, how about 300. Sounds ok.

Secondly, this week has been about exploring/documenting our serious and not so serious sides. So my favourite game as a child? Connect 4, you know getting 4 of the same coloured counters in a row to win. I LOVED it, was really good at it too! Other than that it was rollerskating, I had two fab pairs! First one were leather - red, white and blue with a red stopper and second pair were suede - red, blue and yellow, think the stopper was blue. Really preferred the first pair, they were great.

Back to serious stuff now - my first job. Had a short lived Saturday job at Alloa Library during the summer holidays in 1991. Worked on the main desk, stamped peoples books, returned read books and put them back on the shelves. Only did it for about 4 weeks and it was only for 4 hours on a Saturday morning but I loved it. So much so that when I left school the following year and got a YTS job I ended up being placed in the library which was great.

And lastly what would I like to pass on from my youth to today's younger generation? Enjoy being at school, everyone always says 'school years are the worst of your life' - rubbish. I loved school, I'm still friends with the people I was friends with at school, I was lucky that I had good teachers so I enjoyed the majority of my classes. I didn't want to leave :( Going out into the big bad world was scary. The safety net of school was fine with me. So I would pass on enjoy what you do at the time you do it, and don't try to grow up too quickly, there is plenty time for that.

Friday, 25 July 2008


I've been banished to the upper half of the house!!!! DH has taken over the lower half for entertaining. So I'm sitting upstairs watching telly. Really need to get on with some creative makings so I'm not really that bothered.

Got lots of things to catch up with this weekend and a few of them involve needing to go outside, which if the weather continues as it has been today then it will be easy. But the forecast is for heavy rain showers both Saturday and Sunday :( Typical, fab weather all week and rubbish at the weekend.

It is the law of the sod as the saying goes!!!!!

Here's a little photo from my last visit to Anstruther last month. I love that little corner of the world.

Thursday, 17 July 2008

Inspiring Quirks

Again more from Shimelle's My Freedom class today's prompt is ............

'The things that inspire us are often linked to what we label as quirks in our
personalities: things we like that others seem to dismiss. What quirk could you share with your blog readers to see if they really dismiss this or if it’s something you have in common?'

So what quirks do I have?!?! Some people might say quite a lot, some people might say none! What do I say????

Well, I suppose I have many, the fact that I have 2 names is a bit of quirk! And I don't just mean that my first name is double barrelled LOL It's kinda like having 2 personalities - serious side of me, for work, etc is Elizabeth-Anne. She is very organised, is a bit uptight and anal, takes work very seriously and is very committed. The other side is Biff - she is the 'real' me I suppose, I've been called Biff since I was about 6 months old by ALL my family and it's what my friends know me as. She's more laid back, is messy, doesn't take things too serious, is a little bit creative.

In a way having 'two' personalities is quite a good outlet and is inspiring because I'm not pigeon-holed into one type of person!

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Achievement & Aspirations

Woo hoo!!!!!! My Freedom: Blog prompt 8. (you know what that means! - yup, I'm up to date!!!!!)

Today we were asked to list our achievements in life from birth to July, 08 and then make a list of aspiration from now until ........... well until eternity I suppose!

So I'll start with one of my achievements so far. I am a graduate! I didn't go to university straight after school. I left school in June 1992 and within 2 weeks I started working and I've worked ever since. Which I suppose is another achievement really, I've never been out of work! But anyway I was an 'average' student, never excelled in anything but never failed anything either! So a few years after I started working I did an HNC in Business Admin which I enjoyed but never took it any further. Then in 2002 I decided to do an HNC in Housing as it was related to my job, I enjoyed that and it lead onto doing a Postgraduate Dipolma in Housing at Stirling University. It was hard work, studing and working full time, but I completed it and really enjoyed it. So I graduated in June 2006 with my hubby and dad watching me :)

What do I aspire to do next? There are lots of things I want to achieve from now on. But one thing I really want to do is to be more creative, without feeling intimidated by it. I love making things and want to do more! This is a little taster of what I've done before I'm pretty pleased with it.

Inspiring times

My Freedom, blog prompt 7: Share a list of links to website which inspire you?

Well obviously Shimelle's website is one I find inspiring.
UK Scrappers is another inspiring site I visit daily.
On a photography level, I love Cheryl Johnston's blog and love her classes.

There are quite a few other blogs I check out regularly.

Tracey Hudson
Kirsty Wiseman
One Little Word

I'm also a regular visitor to myspace.

A little of the same, a little change

My Freedom blog prompt 6: Share an old photo and a new photo of yourself. Then share a little something which has changed and a little something which has stayed the same.

Old photo :

New photo:

What has changed between these two photos? Well I'm about 15 years old in the second one. I've lost a parent, I've changed jobs and now have quite a lot of responsibility so can't be quite as carefree as I once was.

What has stayed the same? I don't look THAT much older, my hair is roughly the same strangely. I still have the same friends as I did when this picture was taken, I still work for the same employer, although in a different job than I did then.

So on one hand lots of things have changed but on the other, everything is pretty much still the same!

Pace of Life

Storm Watching
Originally uploaded by StueyH

My Freedom - blog prompt 5: Storm Watching courtesey of StueyH via Flickr.

I love nature and find extreme weather such as storms exciting, frightening but also very calming. Not matter how crazy, hetic or mad your life is, we have no control over mother nature. So it's best just to stop and watch it all with the respect it deserves.

Inspiring words

Blog Prompt 4 : Ever been inspired by a poem? Share it and explain why you value it.

The first poem which ever really 'spoke' to me was a Norman MacCaig poem which we did at school, it is called 'Incident'.

I look across the table and think
(fiery with love)
Ask me, go on, ask me
to do something impossible
something freakishly useless,
something unimaginable and inimitable

Like making a finger break into blossom
or walking half an hour in 20 minutes
or remembering tomorrow

I will you to ask it
But all you say it
'Will you give me a cigarette please?'
and I smile and

Returning to the marvelous world
of possibilities
I give you one
with a hand that trembles
with a human trembling

I just love the unspokeness of the emotions, the fact that there are so many things one person wants to say but feels, for whatever reason, unable to say. I've felt like that many times, wanting to say things but unable to get them out.

Travelling Essentials

Blog prompt 3 (I'm on a roll!)

'What's in your suitcase?' List necessities for travel.

Money, passport, tickets, sunglasses ................ erm ................... those are the basics.

What else??????????? Book or two, ipod, suntan lotion, clothes, shoes!?!? I usually end up taking loads of clothes which I never wear but really I need very little. If I do forget anything, as long as I've got the first 3, I can buy the rest.


My Freedom - blog prompt 2

'If you could travel in time for just one day, where would you go and what would you do?'

Where would I go?????????????? If I could travel back in time, I'd go back to last September to our holiday in Orlando, we had such a great time and 2 weeks just wasn't long enough!


I'm doing Shimelle's 'My Freedom' class during the summer. It's really good, it's making me think about stuff in different ways, intriguing but enjoyable :)

I'll be back with some more interesting bits and pieces! Each week we look at two topics, last week was TIME and TRAVEL. To start off with here is my very posh clock!

Time is something which is very important but also very easily overlooked. I'm always telling myself off for not using my time wisely enough. There is no right or wrong way to spend time. Just do what you do! I will make time for this project, I didn't last week but I've caught up and have found it very thought provoking. I've enjoyed the process so far so I will keep on top of the daily prompts and see where I end up.

Thursday, 10 July 2008

Bloggy, bloggy, blogging!

I've got 2 blogs now (2!!!) One is secret! It's all to do with photography. So as a little homage I'll post this

Cos it's nice and it reminds me of our holiday to Florida last year :)

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

And relax ...........................

Finally I'm on holiday. After what seems like a billion years, the huge piece of work I was involved in is done and I'm off. Feels weird doing nothing, and not feeling guilty about it :)

Starting to catch up all the crafty things I need to do. Spent 25th taking photos to record my day, just need to get them printed! Made the book for them to go into, and it looks pretty good too, even if I do say so myself. Got a few other projects I need to get up to date with. But I've got the time so no pressure.

Going shopping today to the Swedish wonderland of Ikea!!!! New furniture will soon be sitting in our livingroom, yay! Our deads sofas will soon be gone :) It'll be like having a new room. Wonder what other little goodies will end up in my bag :)

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

I think I've found it :-)

I'm feeling all inspired tonight, can feel the need to play with some paper coming on! I'll report back later to see how I'm getting on :)

I'm going to do this tomorrow :)

Sunday, 8 June 2008

Where is it?????

Can't find my mojo! Where did I put it?

Saturday, 10 May 2008

Being creative

Just thought I'd post some photos of things I've been doing recently .............. I made little tags to match them too! They turned out pretty good!

Time to catch up?!?

This week it feels like I've been chasing my tail but it's now Saturday and I'm slowly getting caught up with everything that's been sitting wait for me all week. Y'know the sweary word 'HW', in fact the washing machine is currently waiting to be emptied!

It's been sunny most of this week, yay!!!! Been able to get out and about taking photos too. Been quite impressed with myself too and apparently I'm making Alloa look good! LOL, suppose someone has to!

This was taken at the local docks, looking towards Stirling.

And this is Pedro overlooking the soon to be re-opened rail link to Stirling

So now I need to take more photos for this weeks assignment and also photos for the 'overlooked' challenge blog.

Tuesday, 29 April 2008

It's a mad, manic week!!!!

Actually it's been a manic few weeks!

Fortnight ago I had a week's holiday, then back to work and straight on a training course for 2 days, in the office for 2 days then at a conference, straight from the conference to the pub for a hen night. Home at 1.30am, up at 5am ILL!!!! O M G !!!!! I couldn't tell you the last time I was soooooo ill through drink. Never again! Honestly, never again! It's just not worth it. Missed nearly all of Saturday, eventually got out of bed just after 5pm!

Managed to do some scrapping on Saturday night thought and then pretty much all of Sunday.

This is my favourite thing I made all weekend - and it took me HOURS!!!!!! But I'm so pleased with it, 4 mini books and the box to keep them in!

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Learning new tricks

I've recently started a photography course and I'm loving it! For the first time since I bought my camera I have taken it off AUTO :o For the last two weeks it has only been on manual. Since the weekend I've been snapping like mad for this weeks class. Even Jack is getting fed up with me coming near him with the camera LOL

This is my favourite one from the first week and this is my next fav (which was the first shot I took) .............

Sunday, 13 April 2008

Tut, tut!

Has it really been nearly 2 weeks since I last posted!

What has happended since then, well work has been stupidly mental ........ end of financial year stuff and, lo and behold, we finally got the guidance for the 2006 Act!!!!!!! I was really excited about that, how sad I have become!?!?!?

Then Pedro had a bump in his car, so it's away to the garage, quite possibly never to return :( Never mind, though as he wasn't hurt so that's the main thing.

I've been, slowly, getting organised for the CC. Tonight I have finished my handmade cards and tags for the swap I'm in (my first one!). And I've been scrolling through old photos trying to pick ones for my mystery kit. It needs to have a comedy theme, just need to decided which ones to actually use now. Well do that tomorrow cos I'm off for a week and I get to play with paper and glue as much as I like!!!!!! And not feel guilty!

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

'Safe Place' Fairy

Has been and paid me a visit and hidden my MOT, so I'm car-less until I order my road tax over the internet. Grrrr!!!!! Hunted the entire house for it but it's nowhere to be seen. More annoyed at myself for leaving it to the last minute more than anything else.

Need to get myself organised for the UKS cybercrop and part of that organisation involves tiding my wee room. It's a mess, paper everywhere (none of which is my MOT!) and very little space to actually do anything.

Sunday, 30 March 2008

Still busy

Thank gawd it's Sunday, feel like I've never stopped this week. Public holiday on Monday and made cards, working Tuesday trying to get organised for the rest of the week because Wed & Thurs I was on a training course. Which was very good! Then working Thursday night, back at work on Friday and then away to a quilting day at Perth yesterday. Oh, yeah and I've had the cold all week.

So today has been catching up with t'internet and housework! I've signed up for the UKS cybercrop at the end of April, so the fun has already started!?!?! Those girls can chat!

Signed up for my first swap so need to make some cards, tags and something for them to be kept in!

Also need to get my 'overlooked' layout done. So going to be busy, busy, busy this week again!

Monday, 24 March 2008

Busy, not busy, busy, not busy

It's been a weekend of contrasts! I've either been out (i.e. busy) or been lazying about the house (i.e. not busy). Thursday was work all day then Velvet Revolver at night. It was FANTASTIC!!!!! And apparently the last VR tour according to Scot Weiland!?!? I love these two pics, didn't get many good ones but I'm quite impressed with these :)

I've also been making cards this weekend, my first since doing all my christmas cards. 8 of them in total, it will be good to have some cards on standby for a change instead of running about at the last minute to buy a card for someone.

These are the ones I like most :)

Friday, 21 March 2008

Long weekend :)

Way-hey, I'm off until Tuesday. Got big weekend plans of watching telly, eating chocolate, going to see Sound of Music and taking photos :)

I've signed up for the Painting with Light photography course, so we've recieved our first 'homework'. Need to take a self-portrait !?!?!?!? I'm rubbish at them :(

Got my CJ back :) Need to take some photos of it.

Been taking photos of my fridge for the 'overlooked' challenge, take a look ...............

Tuesday, 11 March 2008


I've been poorly the last few days but it has given me the opportunity to do Shimelle's journalling prompts from throughout February. So I'm pretty much up to date. Done an entire months's worth of prompts in 2 days, well apart from the ones that need to be done after a full day, etc.

I'm almost all journalled out! Never done that much writing for I don't know how long! Just need to do the journalling prompt from the 'overlooked' challenge. Need to write about my fridge LOL!?!?!

Just though I'd upload this, my first ever layout! It's not great but it's not too bad either. I don't think I'd change anything about it but I have learned more since I made this one.

Sunday, 9 March 2008

And finally

I remember to upload some photos ................................

This is my second 'overlooked' challenge layout on the topic of Collections. I'm really, really enjoying this size. It is a challenge in it's self, especially trying to get more than one picture on!!!!

Here is a close up of how I've layered the photos, I'm quite pleased with how it has turned out :)

Saturday, 8 March 2008

Best Laid Plans!

It's been a week since I've blogged! How did that happen!!?!? Mind you I am finally (well almost) up to date with my scrapping.

Done the CJ layout and posted it off today, which means that I should be getting mine back soon. I'm getting really excited about it.

I've done my layout for the 'collections' Overlooked challenge and I'm really pleased with it. I'm doing them all in 6x12 size which in it's self is a challenge, especially when trying to scrap more than one photo.

And finally I am almost up to date with my a-z challenge. Done 'c' & 'd'. Still got a week before the next letter so I need to have a good think about what I am going to do for 'E' over the weekend.

Taken photos but I still need to download them from the camera so I'll post some over the weekend.

Saturday, 1 March 2008

Lazy, lazy, lazy

I've done nowt this week scrapping wise AND I've got soooooo much I need to do!!!

So things I need to do this weekend are :...................

last entry in our Circle Journal so it's ready for posting on Monday
catch up with my a-z prompts (we're now on E so that's 3 I've to do!)
take photo of my fridge for Overlooked challenge
do LO for the last overlooked challenge
eh.............. I'm sure there is something else but I've forgotten it!!!!

Here's a wee pic of the munchkin lying in the bath! Just because I haven't posted a pic for a while and this page needs some brightening up. Don't know why he was in the bath, he's never done it before, maybe he just wondered what it was for!?!?!

Monday, 25 February 2008

Clear out

I've taken a huge step tonight, not only have I cleared out all my clothes that I haven't worn in ages (and to be honest, don't fit any longer) from my chest of drawers, I've done the wardrobe too!!!

Now I just need to put it all in bags and it will magically make it's way to the charity shop tomorrow (well, with the help of P).

But this does give me a great excuse to buy more clothes lol!!!!!!

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

I'm sooooo lazy

I had great plans of scrapping things to do over the weekend and I've done .......... NONE of it!!!!

Might try to get something done tonight but it just depends on a whole load of other things.

Friday, 15 February 2008

Is it just me ...............

What is our society like these days? (This is where I end up sounding like some grumpy old right wing politican, which I am most definitely not!)

We have suffered the last two nights from a small number of yobs, for want of a better word, using our house at target practice. (I think they might be training for doing the shot put in the next Olympics!) We now have damage to two windows at the back of our house, the windscreen of DH's car and a dent in his driver's door. They have also been kicking our front door. Which involves them coming up our driveway, right past one of livingroom windows and along the side of our cars. It's been reported to the police, and give them their due, they did respond and attend the other night and phoned me back last night. Their advice! Ignore it, don't react, if it happens again phone us. So now I have to sit in my house and pretend nothing is happening if it starts again. Easier said than done.

But, on a lighter note, I've just realised that the first circle journal I'm taking part in will shortly be completed. Once I've completed the journal I have then it's all done and I will get mine back. I can't wait, it seem so long since I've seen it.

Wonder what it looks like now!?!?!

Monday, 11 February 2008

Cut off from civilisation!?!?!

We've just spent the weekend without any internet connection ............ the horror of it?!?! Just stopped working suddenly on Saturday morning and then started working again suddenly today! Weird! Felt like I had an arm cut off, I can't believe how much I use it and rely on it.

As a result I'm late ordering photos for our mini crop on Wednesday so I'll probably just have to wing it. I do have hundreds of Florida photos so I could do something with then, if I don't have the other ones back. Planning to do a shimelle project on Wednesday. Haven't done any of her stuff before so I'm looking forward to it.

Monday, 4 February 2008

We're cooking with gas!!!!

Well electricity actually, but at least our oven is fixed:) Yay!!

Not really been doing very much in the last week, got so much I need to do but I've been fairly unproductive in the last week. I have taken photos of my 'Overlooked' collection - the multitudes of magazines I appear to have collected!?!?!

Just waiting to find out what the journalling prompt will be, also need to figure out how I'm going to fit the photos onto a 6x12 layout!

Right off to try out my newly working oven ;)

Monday, 28 January 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

Ah!!!! Now I've got this thing to work, check out my photies at the bottom of the page!!!!!!

Now if only my livingroom actually did look like that and I did have a slide picture thingy that size on the wall. Cheap art, how cool would that be LOL!

Saturday, 26 January 2008

Great intentions!!!

Well I had yesterday afternoon off so I amazed myself by getting tons of housework done. All the ironing done, did a load of washing and tumble dried it, hoovered the whole house, cleaned the cooker and then made haggis, neeps and tatties for tea!

The idea being that if I did all the housework yesterday then I could spend all weekend scrapping without feeling guilty. Haven't really done as much today as I intended but I have finished a little maze book I've made for Pete, done my LO for the Overlooked blog challenge. Still got a CJ entry to do and a few other bits and pieces.

This is my LO for the overlooked challenge - my favourite mug

I'm up to date with the A-Z Journal that I'm doing, only doing tags so that makes it a bit easier :) This is the front cover ....

And these are tags 'A' and 'B'

Really enjoying being creative at the moment, lets hope it continues :)

Tuesday, 22 January 2008


Now, I came to the conclusion a little while ago that my brain can only hold a certain amount of information............Seriously, I reckon that once a learn something new, something else that I don't need falls out of my brain to make space for the new stuff!

Recently this has been proved by various conversations between me and pedro, I've forgotten dozens of bands we've been to see over the years, people we've met, places we've been. It's ridiculous!!!! I used to be really good at remembering everything but now ........... well I'm just useless. But one thing I tend not to forget is films, them or TV stuff. I can tell if I've aldready seen an episode of CSI within the first 30 seconds and then tell you what happens!

But Sunday night we settled down to watch a dvd, 'The Departed', sounds really good ... Matt Damon, Leonardo Di Caprio, Jack Nicholson, Alex Baldwin, Martin Sheen. Had recommendations from friends, the lot. So we put it on, couple of minutes in I thought ......... 'this bit here seems familiar' but then decided that maybe we'd hired it in the past and I fell asleep (cos that's NEVER happened before!?!), watched a little bit more and didn't really remember anything else until about 30 minutes from the end I recognised another bit, still couldn't remember the end though. So kept watching, right to the end, kinda remembering bits but not really and it turns out that we have seen the film before but had basically forgotten it! Weird, that has never happened before.

Monday, 21 January 2008

Tonight we are going to be .................................

Well I've spent the weekend, recovering from Friday, lazing about, doing a little bit of crafting (finished my tag book for my A-Z of 2008) and not really doing very much else!

Friday went really well, during the day was great. Spent a lot of time with a range of people I work with and talked about different things that will impact on our teams/work, etc. I think a good time was had by pretty much everybody. Then came the evening! My team was part of the entertainment in a cross between the X-Factor meets Stars in their Eyes! We were .................................................

..................................... YES, the Village People! But at least we did it, got up there and had a laugh, even had everyone dancing along which was a plus.

Back at work today and Friday was all anyone talked about! Think there was some work done but not as much as is normally done on a Monday!

Right I've ignored it long enough, the huge mountain of ironing sitting to the side of the telly cannot be ignored any longer (and I've no clothes for work tomorrow)!

Thursday, 17 January 2008

AND .............................. relax!

I'm exhausted, I feel like I've never halted this week and it's not over yet. I feel like a different person tonight and I actually feel slightly healthier than I have done in weeks. Still got a little touch of the lurgy but this week I've had really bad stomach cramps, migraine, extreme moodswings. Not to mention feeling shattered all the time and having the motivation of an incredibly unmotivated thing!

But it's been a weird week work wise, Tuesday was spent 'working' at home, crafting! And getting paid for it!

This is the mess I got to make at home, during the day, without needing to feel guilty cos it was for work! All in aid of our staff conference which is tomorrow. Now I just hope it all goes to plan!?!?!? And as for tomorrow night, well lets just say I am being very brave or stupid - haven't decided which yet, depends on the outcome of the evening entertainment!

Right need to have an early(ish) night, need to get up at the crack of dawn to get the bus to Cumbernauld.

Saturday, 12 January 2008

Blah, blah, blah .......................................

What an extraordinary long week it was!?!?! Monday seems like about a month ago. I did nothing last night, was just sooooo tired. It was ridiculous! Still got this coldy thing handing over me, that's nearly 3 weeks and it won't go away. Must like me too much.

Today has been a mix of really lazy and really busy. Morning - really lazy, slept until 11.15! Afternoon - really busy, went stash shopping, birthday present buying and then some food shopping.

Should have been watching either 'Severance' or something else I can't remember the name of, but we've been watching the top 100 songs of the 1990's on VH1. It's quite scary how many of them I remember. Going off to drink wine and eat crisps.

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Normal service will shortly be resumed!

I can't believe the weather last night, it was horrendous! I had to go visit my sister for her birthday and driving through to Fife was an absolute nightmare. My wipers were on as fast they are can go and I still struggled to see through the rain. And then was the water lying on the road!?!?!?!

Woke up this morning and half of our back fence had fallen down. Not a hope in putting it back together, just disintegrated when Pete tried to fix it. So now we MUST get a new fence. Really should have replaced it last summer but it was one of those things we didn't get around to doing.

Anyway when at my sis's I suddenly remembered the most important thing of the week. A NEW SERIES OF CSI WAS STARTING AND I HADN'T SET THE SKY+ and I wasn't going to be home in time for the start. Disaster!!!!!!! Managed to get a hold of Pete though and he was home in time. Phew! Disaster averted :) So I'm now watching it :) Very happy.

Mind you I have tons to do tonight, need to make a basic exploding box, maze book, matchbook and A5 booklet to take into work tomorrow. I'll start soon as I'm done watching CSI - got my priorities sorted.

Monday, 7 January 2008

Well back to reality!?!?!

It's the start of the first full working week in January and it was back to reality with a big, huge, massive bump today! Who organises a budget meeting for the first day back to work ............. me! What a numpty! I had so little enthuasism it was ridiculous. Never mind that is the first day back over and done with so the rest of the week shouldn't be too bad. And it's a pay week - woo hoo!

Eventually got around to doing some scrapping yesterday and produced this .........

This is the first layout I've done in ages and I managed to incorporate both our Doodlebug team challenge with a UKS weekly challenge, so I'm quite pleased with myself. I've even actually decided on my resolutions for this year. Don't normally bother but decided that I would give myself some in 2008 and I will stick to them!

Now all I need to do this week is my layout in the CJ I've got, which needs to be posted this Saturday, sort out my Journal for the 'It's a Creative World' A-Z Journal and do the layout for 'A'. Shouldn't really take too long, just need to stop procrastinating.