Monday, 25 February 2008

Clear out

I've taken a huge step tonight, not only have I cleared out all my clothes that I haven't worn in ages (and to be honest, don't fit any longer) from my chest of drawers, I've done the wardrobe too!!!

Now I just need to put it all in bags and it will magically make it's way to the charity shop tomorrow (well, with the help of P).

But this does give me a great excuse to buy more clothes lol!!!!!!

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

I'm sooooo lazy

I had great plans of scrapping things to do over the weekend and I've done .......... NONE of it!!!!

Might try to get something done tonight but it just depends on a whole load of other things.

Friday, 15 February 2008

Is it just me ...............

What is our society like these days? (This is where I end up sounding like some grumpy old right wing politican, which I am most definitely not!)

We have suffered the last two nights from a small number of yobs, for want of a better word, using our house at target practice. (I think they might be training for doing the shot put in the next Olympics!) We now have damage to two windows at the back of our house, the windscreen of DH's car and a dent in his driver's door. They have also been kicking our front door. Which involves them coming up our driveway, right past one of livingroom windows and along the side of our cars. It's been reported to the police, and give them their due, they did respond and attend the other night and phoned me back last night. Their advice! Ignore it, don't react, if it happens again phone us. So now I have to sit in my house and pretend nothing is happening if it starts again. Easier said than done.

But, on a lighter note, I've just realised that the first circle journal I'm taking part in will shortly be completed. Once I've completed the journal I have then it's all done and I will get mine back. I can't wait, it seem so long since I've seen it.

Wonder what it looks like now!?!?!

Monday, 11 February 2008

Cut off from civilisation!?!?!

We've just spent the weekend without any internet connection ............ the horror of it?!?! Just stopped working suddenly on Saturday morning and then started working again suddenly today! Weird! Felt like I had an arm cut off, I can't believe how much I use it and rely on it.

As a result I'm late ordering photos for our mini crop on Wednesday so I'll probably just have to wing it. I do have hundreds of Florida photos so I could do something with then, if I don't have the other ones back. Planning to do a shimelle project on Wednesday. Haven't done any of her stuff before so I'm looking forward to it.

Monday, 4 February 2008

We're cooking with gas!!!!

Well electricity actually, but at least our oven is fixed:) Yay!!

Not really been doing very much in the last week, got so much I need to do but I've been fairly unproductive in the last week. I have taken photos of my 'Overlooked' collection - the multitudes of magazines I appear to have collected!?!?!

Just waiting to find out what the journalling prompt will be, also need to figure out how I'm going to fit the photos onto a 6x12 layout!

Right off to try out my newly working oven ;)