Sunday, 24 May 2009

No Show :(

Well today is the day that bump should no longer be a bump and should be a real live little person in my arms but ................ nothing!

This was bump last Saturday, really need to take another pic tonight and update!

Feels weird just sitting about watching stuff I've Sky+'d the last few days when I should be either in labour or have my baby here already!!!!!

Fortunately though I haven't been overloaded with phone calls/texts of the 'how are you feeling?' variety today. Just the usual parental calls, which are a daily occurence anyway.

Maybe I should have curry for dinner tonight!

Wednesday, 13 May 2009


I hate blaming things on hormones but today they really are the only thing I can use to explain for the way I've been feeling.

Been blog reading today and have been thinking about doing HS:MS:HS stuff, just to get back into photography, and make sure that my Nikon is not just 'another' gadget and the prompt today is perfect for me - Rock. This is my take ...........

This hand belongs to my rock, whose name also means rock!

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Baby !?!?!?!

Well he's a baby of sorts! Turned my back to 2 minutes when I was putting things away in the 'real' baby's room and Jack decided to try the moses basket out for size. Honestly!!!! So that meant all the bedding had to be stripped and washed (again). I should have given him a row but doesn't he look cute - and it's his birthday tomorrow. My little fur ball will be 10 :o He's well and truly a 'senior' cat these days. Could be why he likes to sleep as much as he does!