Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Kindness, Stinkiness and Celebrations

Yesterday a very lovely thing happened. I was through visiting my sister at her quilting shop and had was sitting on a chair next to the open door after feeding the wee man, when a woman walking along the street stopped and said 'What a beautiful baby!'. She then went on her way!! What a lovely random thing to happen.

He may have been a beautiful baby yesterday but this morning he was a very, very stinky baby! Huge stinky, leaky nappy - I don't know if the sleepsuit will ever be the same again LOL!!!

And as for celebrations, well the wee man is 3 months old today :) and it's also my dad's 66th birthday. And he still hasn't retired!!! But he is recovering from some minor treatment for not-quite-but-almost skin cancer so we're going to visit him later on.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Makin' stuff

Hopefully I'm going to turn this pile of fabric ........

into something similar to this ...........

This quilt was a lovely gift from Lynz and we love it and use it every day. We use it so much that I really need another one to use when this one is in the wash - baby has a tendency to spew - lots!!

So now I need to figure out when I'm going to have the time to this and make christmas cards - well it is exactly 4 months away!!

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Noo customers only!!!

Well is what my mobile would be aswell saying!!! It should look like this

but normally it looks like this ............

Arrgghhhh!!!!!! I hate my phone!

On a lighter note I was lucky enough to get a wee sneaky peak at my new neice/nephew yesterday when I went along to my sister's 20 week scan. Apparently she is having a very cute baby, according to the sonographer!

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

We're on the move ......... and breaking the rules!!

Well nearly

wee man enjoying a little bit of tummy time - normally he's starts crying after about 2 seconds so this was rare!!

My rebellious side is starting to show it's head again, so I must be getting back to my old self!! I've been thinking about all the 'advice' which is doled out to new mums by the tonne load and to be honest it messed with my head in the first few weeks but now we've found the best way for us so I'm breaking the 'rules' by

a) not breastfeeding - it just didn't work out for us
b) making up bottles in advance - none of this daft make a bottle when you need it, I like to leave the house occassionally!!
c) heating up out bottles in the microwave - common sense prevailed and a hungry baby gets fed quicker!
d) moving wee man into his own cot, in his own room - if I waited til he was 6 months old it would be harder for both of us, now he's in his room not quite aware of the difference and I get to read in bed with the light on!!

And despite breaking the 'rules/advice' I've got a happy, healthy, contented wee boy who now weighs 14lbs and sleeps throught the night = RESULT!! So I must be doing something right! Apparently there was something on GMTV this morning to say that breast isn't best after all, Pedro recorded it for me so I need to watch it to find out more.

Right, now I need to figure out how to grow webbed feet! Will the rain EVER stop?

Monday, 17 August 2009

Beginning to feel normal

I had thought that I was on top of everything but the last few weeks have been a bit weird. Been finding things a wee bit difficult but slowly I'm beginning to feel like me again. We've had a few monumentous things happen in the last week,

No.1 - Euan is now sleeping in his cot, in his own room
No.2 - He is sleeping pretty much 12 hours at night (woo hoo!!!!!)
No.3 - We went to the cinema on Saturday night to see Harry Potter - together, just the two of us, childless. It felt really odd but the munchkin was asleep before we left and was still sleeping when we got back, didn't wake once much to his auntie's delight!

This was Euan trying out his cot a few weeks ago - he's soooo tiny! But he loves it, he can stretch out to his hearts' content.

Just signed up for a scrapping class during September - maybe that will give me so inspiration to make something soon.