Thursday, 19 November 2009

I *heart* schuh

I love going into Schuh and I've just spent a very happy 30 minutes or so drooling over their website at lovely things like this ...

Which are not a tad unsimilar to a pair of very gorgeous boots I used to own.

I was supposed to be looking for 'sensible' boots having slipped on slimy, muddy paths twice in the last 3 days but got sidetracked by pretty boots instead. There are lots of pretty, pretty boots *sigh*

Wednesday, 18 November 2009


We have teeth!!! Not A tooth, no not just one single tooth, we have 2 teeth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The first one came through nearly 2 weeks ago on 6 Nov and we only had one night where the wee man woke up crying for about 45 mins and then the second one appeared on yesterday morning, at exactly 25 weeks old! No crying during the night but he was really unsettled and grumpy on Monday afternoon - no wonder! Can't complain though, my wee star is still sleeping through :)

Sunday, 15 November 2009


It's a new contraption thingy-ma-jig that when you put on the headset, concentrate you can raise the ball in the tube!!!! A definite must for all would be Jedi masters.

Where has the time gone recently? It's now the middle of november, I'm a whole year older than the last time I blogged anything and the wee man is almost 6 months old! And it's only been 2 weeks since I blogged!!?!?

Must get myself more organised and blog more frequently. So much is going on and changing that if I don't then I'm going to forget way too much.