Wednesday, 6 January 2010

How not to make life easy

don't have my wifi connection for a start!! Fingers crossed it keeps working now and doesn't stop halfway through this post like it did earlier.

I have only 5 days left of maternity leave before I return to the hideous world of reality and work (horrible 4 letter word!) and not one to ever make things easy for myself I have decided that this collection of material
is going to be made into a quilt, or at the very least a quilt top by Sunday night.

Pedro foolishly said he doesn't think I'll be able to do it, now there's a challenge if ever I heard one.

Should hopefully turn out quite well as it's a straight forward design, which I can't find a link to just now, doh! Anyhoo, I've abandoned the small child in the livingroom and it's gone all quiet so better find out what he's up to, or indeed where he's gotten himself!!

Monday, 4 January 2010

What a year!!

This time last year I was 20 weeks pregnant and was about to go for my 20 week scan. Now we have a 32 week baby!!
Obviously I am entirely biased but he IS the most handsome little dude to be born ever!!!!

Well the festive season is all over and done with, Euan had a pretty good first christmas, even if he didn't have a clue what to do with his presents
He got tons of presents that we haven't even had a chance to explore and find out which ones we prefer yet.

My christmas was pretty good too. I got quite a few books and at the speed I'm reading anything these days I might be lucky to have read one by next christmas!! I got a leather troll bracelet which is going to be more practical for me to wear to work AND I finally got the bead I've been hinting about since May - baby troll.

I also got this fantabulous wallhanging which is already in my kitchen.

It is wisely called 'On any given day' and indeed with a small baby there is barely a day which goes by without my washing machine being on at least once. Although it did have a rest on Christmas Day ....... and then made up for it on Boxing Day!!!

Oh yeah and our little man seems to be turning into an Oompha Lumpha!?!?!