Sunday, 25 April 2010

This n' that

Not been up to much lately, just a bit of this n' that! The house has been on the market for 2 weeks now. We've had one viewer who apparently really liked it but thought the bedrooms where a bit small. Can't make them bigger so we just have to wait and the right person will turn up one of these days. (theywilltheywilltheywill....theywill)

Work has been the same lately, spent hours doing my informal review and I'm skeptical that it will make any difference but I'm open to being pleasantly surprised. Apparently we'll all know by the end of May so who knows, if it happens it happens.

My creative side hasn't been very productive of late - too busy keeping the house tidy - but I have managed to finish something I started, ooohhh about 2 years ago, maybe longer. It's not perfect by a long shot but I like it and it's growing on me every day.

Lastly just some random pics of the dude - he's 11 months tomorrow and I'm in shock. How did that much time manage to fly past so quickly? Like a friend said to me recently, before I know it I'll be buying his school uniform!!!

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

The deed is done

the house is up for sale and now we just have to sit and wait for someone to come along and be totally overwhelmed by it and buy it!!!

Waiting has never been my strong point!!!

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Making progress

slow progress, but progress nonetheless :)

In January I had the crazy notion I could make a quilt in 5 days!! (loud guffaws all around). So this lovely pile of fabric
then transformed itself into this pile of fabric (note it's sitting UNDER the sewing machine - not helpful eh!) But it was all sewn together into looooonnnnggggg sections.

Then it eventually got cut into squares, like this
Then about 2 weeks ago I finally got round to placing it, like this ..........
Then all life got taken over with decorating!!! So it's still to be sewn together but at least I've decided on the layout - and it's quite a bit bigger than I expected but that's cool :)

Now to find the time to start sewing!

Friday, 9 April 2010


What are we playing at?!?!?! Not content with having enough to do what with having the dude to look after, being back at work and just generally being. We've put the house on the market. It's the best thing to do, but we're still trying to convince ourselves it's the best thing to do, know what I mean?

So the last two weeks have been a bit mentally, crazy. We've painted 2 rooms, moved the dude's bedroom, turned the other 2 bedrooms into proper double bedrooms and gutted the kitchen. It's looking really quite fab though - hard to believe it's our house LOL
An incredibly tidy livingroom - wonder how long it will stay looking like this!

The newly created spare bedroom which used to be the dude's room

And my favourite room - a grown up looking bedroom. But I've got a wee problem - it's so pretty looking that I don't want to sleep in it because it will get messed up :(

Now we just need to hope that someone else sees it and wants to buy it REALLY, REALLY soon. Then we can buy the house we've seen.