Lookie see what I've finally done
The quilt top is FINALLY sewn together. I started to cut out the fabric way, way back in January and now just before the end of May I've sewn it together. However, it occurred to me tonight that I've not got any fabric for the backing so I wonder how long it will take me to actually quilt it and get it finished-finished.
I've also been making progress in the world of technology and aquired this fab new gadget
It's really easy to use and it came with 100 ebooks already on it, classics which are now out of copyright thingimy stuff, whatchamacallit. So it's got Moby Dick, Dracula, Bleak House and loads of books I've never read but quite fancy. It's even got War and Peace!!!
I really need to go to sleep, back to the reality of work tomorrow. Wonder if I'll still be working for Housing or if that will have changed. (Doubt it, but you never know).