Monday, 31 May 2010

Making (more) progress

Lookie see what I've finally done

The quilt top is FINALLY sewn together. I started to cut out the fabric way, way back in January and now just before the end of May I've sewn it together. However, it occurred to me tonight that I've not got any fabric for the backing so I wonder how long it will take me to actually quilt it and get it finished-finished.

I've also been making progress in the world of technology and aquired this fab new gadget

It's really easy to use and it came with 100 ebooks already on it, classics which are now out of copyright thingimy stuff, whatchamacallit. So it's got Moby Dick, Dracula, Bleak House and loads of books I've never read but quite fancy. It's even got War and Peace!!!

I really need to go to sleep, back to the reality of work tomorrow. Wonder if I'll still be working for Housing or if that will have changed. (Doubt it, but you never know).

Saturday, 29 May 2010

All things BIG!!!

It's been a BIG week in our household this week, firstly I've been off on a weeks' holiday - yay!!!

Secondly the dude had another round of immunisations, his first in months, but he was a big boy and after a teeny, weeny little cry when the needle actually went in (well who wouldn't!) he was fine and smiling his charming smile at the health visitor. (We've definitely got a future heartbreaker on our hands)

Thirdly, biggest news of all, it was the dude's FIRST birthday this week. Mucho organising was done, a bit of an odd looking cake was made (OK I appear to be good at brownies, not so much at birthday cakes!), tons and tons of presents were bought/built/opened/played with and the duder had a great time. So much so that he fell asleep sitting up in his cot listening to his bedtime story.

Lastly, I'm developing a fairly big bump on my forehead - it's what comes of trying to open a car door and not moving your head out of the way!!!

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Best Ever??

these TRIPLE chocolate brownies are apparently the 'best ever', well that's what the receipe was called.  Only my second attempt at making brownies and they were MILES better than my first attempt.  Very moreish according to Pedro.  And everybody at work, so much so that I only managed to rescue 3 pieces to bring home to Pete.  Need to make another batch.
The house is still for sale and I've still got the cold.  Not much else happening in Biffland.  Oh no, wait a minute, Gadget Girl has ventured into the world of e-readers.  So I'm (im)patiently waiting for the arrival of my new shiny piece of gadgetry!!!

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Not right!

Another thing about been ill is that it gives me time to look at things that would normally pass me by.

Like this quilt I finally, recently finished - it's not right. I've been looking at it for a couple of days now trying to figure out what it was that didn't look right and the top two blocks in either corner don't mirror the bottom ones!!!

They don't look REALLY bad, but it's beginning to bug me. Doh!

Browsing, bored, bored, bored

I'm currently 'windows' shopping - surfing the net, looking at lots of lovely things that I really can't afford, don't have the time to do anything with, or even the space for them at the moment but I still enjoy looking.

I've been looking into first birthday present ideas (and will soon be making a helpful list :)), drooling over some very nice fabrics called '1974' and 'flutterby' which I have a feeling will need to be purchased because ... well just because and also sending a bit of a ranty email to our local paper. Not telling what about, but it was a bit ranty!

Being ill is dangerous, I take my lack of patience out on the web!!!

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Not very me

but I've become slightly obsessed with cleaning! What with the house being on the market, we having stepped up the cleaning, so being the very anal person that I am I have come up with a weekly rota for cleaning, each room has a specific day (or two). It's working, it doesn't take long and the house pretty much looks good all the time. OK the kitchen takes a battering every day as done the livingroom, but we still have to live here and small a certain small person doesn't understand the concept of being tidy! I'm not naturally an incredibly tidy person, I like to have a bit of mess and clutter, it makes me feel comfortable. So doing all this tidying, feeling guilty for not tidying and worrying about what else needs to be tidied is exhausting!

Speaking of small people, it is hard to believe (very, very hard to believe) but the dude will be 1 year old in less than a month!?!?! How the **** did that happen? Did we just blink and here we are?

This was him yesterday, enthralled by some balloons in one of the neighbours garden

he was quite excited!