Saturday 9 October 2010

It's been a while

I've been doing a bit of this and a bit of that. Mainly working, but I'd better not say too much about that as all employees have been reminded about the 'social networking policy' that is now in existence - so I cannot comment in case I say something potentially negative which could lead me to be sacked!! Suffice to say my daily theme tune is 'Happy Days are here again'.

So onto more important things, the following is a brief tour of my life from the last few weeks .........

We've been to Toddlers (the dude is in the stripe tee),   
we've been entertaining small people,

we've been to look at lots of lurvely quilts at the Quilt Championships,
and I've playing with bits of material, trying to make a baby quilt for a little new person who is due to come into the world at some point this week!  It's not the greatest of pictures, it looks quite pink but it's a range of pastel colours.

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