Friday, 24 February 2012


I had great plans this week for my star quilt top. Got the star all cut out and the strips sewn together last week. All I needed was some suitable background fabric and I was set to go.

So after a wee think about the right background colour (I went red after all) and a short shopping trip last Thursday, I had the perfect fabric and was all raring to go.  Well kind of.

I managed to convince my sister to do a mini service to my machine, it has been badly neglected by me *bad me* so she had a little poke around and it all seemed much better for it. Running much quieter, which when you have a toddler & do most of your sewing across the landing from his bedroom once he's asleep is a god-send.

Then the weekend went past in a flash and I got nothing sewn. So on Wednesday I finished work early as the small person is at his gran's til his daddy collects him at 7pm so I knew I had a good 2 hrs to myself. Out came the new fabric and the rotary cutter, 4 squares and 4 triangles later, I started sewing, getting on great guns till I was on my last block and I actually looked at my seams - they were HUGE!!!! How I didn't notice it until the last one is beyond me but I didn't so all my good work on Wednesday was last night unpicked:(

(I managed to have my needle set too far left btw, so my seams were 3/8th not 1/4th - really annoying)

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