Tuesday, 4 January 2011

That was the year

.. that was 2010.  I've been spending a little bit of time thinking about last year and everything which has gone on.  This time last year I was technically still on maternity leave :o  We had a 7 month old baby who could pull up to standing on furniture but hadn't even started crawling (that happened on the 5th Jan!) and could sort of babble a few nonsense noises.

Now we've got a 19 month old toddler who is developing his own little personality, has started running, is increasing his vocabulary on a daily basis it seems and is just generally a perfectly happy little dude.

 (showing off his new dressing gown & slippers)
(cheesy grin apparently!)

It's weird to think back to this time last year - at times it seems like a lifetime ago and at others it seems like just yesterday!  Very strange. 

Being back at work is different too.  I've been in employment ever since I left school (June 1992!) and the longest I'd ever been off until going off on maternity leave in April 2009 was 2.5 weeks in 2000 for our wedding!?  So being off for nearly 9 months was strange, but not as strange as going back.  There was a lot of change happening with my employer during the time I was off and little has changed during the last 12 months.  I returned to part time hours and recently altered my working pattern so I now finish at Thursday lunchtime and that's me till a Monday. 

Crafty wise not a lot has been done lately.  I had planned on making most of my christmas presents but time got away from me so only made a couple of things, these funky poochie bags.  Only I forgot to take pics of the ones I made - doh!

I've got quite a few ideas of things I want to try this year crafty wise, firstly is a little calendar for my desk!  Then it's my sister's birthday on Saturday and I've got a couple of ideas for little quirky things but I'm not sure if I've got all the things I need to make them.

But this year's motto is 'Wear your positive pants, not your negative knickers!' as said by my boss many a time.  Positive thinking only this year!!!!

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